Serials 2000

Serials 2000

Free Serials 2000 is the best collection of serials for games and softwares
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Latest version:
8.1 See all
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Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 5 Software Informer User Rating 4

Serials 2000 is the best collection of serials for games and software. The main thing is that it is available offline!
Serials 2000 7.1 version contains about 6 serial entries! Now, installing software using these serial numbers available is illegal. But almost all home users are using pirated / cracked software or games. It is a common trend that the software and game CDs are being shared among friends using same serial number. Many free / trial version software available as a free download from the internet as well as from different magazine CDs can be made into fully working versions by their correct serial numbers. This program provides them.

This program doesn't provide many features, just a left and right pane. The left side lists software and game names according to the platform (PC, MAC, Pocket PC, etc). There is a search feature, simple to use; and we can specify the maximum results to show, match case, etc. It can find the serials you need by specifying the software / game's name.
The searching is really fast and the program is easy to use.
Updates to the program (that is serial number entries) are available from the internet at the developer site or by a Google search!

Since this is like a cracking tool (Illegal), created by hackers and crackers, it is listed as a malicious software by many anti viruses like AVG, Norton and Kaspersky. But McAfee and Microsoft are some exceptions (and I use Microsoft Forefront Client Security that really knows which one is a malicious program and which not!). This really does not do any harm to your computer; but as most software cracks downloaded from internet contain viruses, this can be suspected as a way for their spreading; OR a security threat, which is why many anti viruses block this program, and label it as a Trojan / virus.

ZM Senior editor
Zack Martin
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Serials For PC, Mac, Linux, etc
  • Small program
  • Serials for Console Games, Palm PC, etc
  • Easy to use
  • Huge list of serials
  • Updates in month and week
  • Can Backup / Export as a compressed & encrypted file
  • Fast search
  • Can add our own serials


  • Can crash frequently while updating serials
  • Is reported as viruses by many anti viruses!

Comments (6)

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Your vote:

Simply the best collection ever since i first came accross it in the year 2000!

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rating Ahmed

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rating Kent
Love it, I've been using it forever!

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